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来源:   作者:张峥棋,杨珺凯     日期:2024-07-28   点击数:  

为了让2022级中美班学生能够更好地适应美国的校园生活,79日下午,乔治亚州立大学生物系中国学生会(Biology Chinese Student Association, GSU)GSU Student Center为前来参加GSU暑期学校的2022级中美班同学举行了迎新活动。乔治亚州立大学(GSU)生物系Regents' Professor Dr. Phang-Cheng Tai, 化学系副系主任Dr. Maged Henary, 项目美方主管Dr. Hongmei Zhang,西南交通大学js4399金沙线院长周先礼, 院长助理及项目中方主管黄新河,中美班班主任刘新荣老师出席了本次活动。

In order to make the incoming  2022 Grade students of the SWJTU-GSU Collaborative Program better adapt to life on the new GSU campus, on July 9, 2024 at 4:30 PM, the Biology Chinese Student Association held a welcome party for the freshmen in the Student Center.

首先,Dr. Phang-Cheng Tai向大家表示了热烈的欢迎并致辞。随后,周先礼院长向大家表示了关心与慰问,回顾了生物工程中外合作办学项目开展办学十余年来的成就,同时也对项目发展进行了展望。

First of all, Prof. Tai of GSU Biology Department extended a warm welcome to everyone. Then Dr. Xianli Zhou, Dean of the School of Life Science and Engineering at SWJTU, took the stage to express his views and encouragement to everyone, and also expressed his regret for not coming to GSU for nearly ten years and his prospects for the future development of the project.

Dr. Henary20美刀为例子,用幽默风趣的语言告诉了大家在GSU该如何学习以及要一直承认自己的价值并努力奋斗。

Professor Maged Henary from GSU Department of Chemistry, who teaches at GSU and SWJTU to tell everyone in humorous language how to learn at GSU and to always acknowledge their value.

项目美方主管Dr. Hongmei Zhang和中方主管黄新河老师从SafetyStudyCreditLong Term Plan几个主题出发,表达了对同学们未来两年甚至更长时间内在美学习和生活的期许。

After that, Dr. Hongmei Zhang, Program Director from GSU gave some guidance on study and life. Dr. Xinhe Huang, Program Director from SWJTU expressed his expectations on the students' life and study in GSU in the next two years with the theme of safety, study and credit. 


After the teachers finished their speeches, Wang Yifan, Shi Fuyang and Wang Shutong of Class of 2021 shared their one-year life experience and learning experience in GSU from three aspects: study, travel and life. Wang Yifan shared some of her experiences and ideas about course selection and minor study. Everyone benefited. Senior student Shi Feiyang and senior student Wang Shutong explained to you the apps commonly used in the United States, and the supermarkets you may go to, as well as travel methods and prices. Thank you very much for sharing your experience.


At the end of the reception, everyone took a photo together. We hope you will pursue your dreams bravely in the next two years of GSU life, actively explore and interpret your own wonderful stories.

/张峥棋 杨珺凯   /杨珺凯 郭九思

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