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来源:   作者:陶哲怡     日期:2024-04-28   点击数:  

最美人间四月天,又是一年毕业季。419日,2020届毕业晚宴在Oriental Pearl Seafood Restaurant隆重举行。尊敬的教授2021级学生和2020级毕业生欢聚一堂,共同庆祝着毕业生取得的成就,为圆满完成学业的学子送上了美好的祝愿。

On 19th April, the graduation dinner for the class of 2020 was held at Oriental Pearl Seafood Restaurant. Respected teachers and professors, students of the class of 2021 and graduates of the class of 2020 gathered together to celebrate the achievements of the graduates and send good wishes to those who have successfully completed their studies.


The festival started with a warm welcome from the host, followed by a welcome speech from Mr. Zhang Hongmei on stage, which inspired the atmosphere.

随后学院院长Phang-Chang Thai教授生物系主任De Vries教授和化学系主任Maged Henary教授等相继上台,分享了自己与毕业生的经历,给毕业生们送去了更多的见解和祝福。

Professor Phang-Chang Thai, Dean of the Faculty, Professor De Vries, Head of the Department of Biology and Professor Maged Henary, Head of the Department of Chemistry then took to the stage to share their experiences with the graduates and give them more insights and blessings.


On this special occasion, student representatives from the class of 2020 shared their experiences and expectations for the future, as well as their best wishes for the class of 2021 as they apply for graduate school. The speeches of Xucheng Zhang and Yifei Huang not only reviewed their personal journey and appreciated the professors for their attentive teaching and advice, but also looked forward to the challenges and opportunities in the future, and they will continue to move forward and strive to realize their self-worth in life on the road ahead.


At the end of the dinner, professors and students took a group photo to mark this important milestone. The free exchange session was full of laughter and reluctance to leave, as teachers and students exchanged best wishes and farewells.


As the graduates are about to start a new chapter in their lives, the great achievements of the Class of 2020 have certainly inspired the younger students to study hard and strive for excellence. Teachers also expressed their best wishes, believing that the students will continue to achieve excellence and realize the value of their lives.


This event would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the BCSA's executive committee, as well as the generous support of SWJTU.

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