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来源:   作者:张嘉欣     日期:2023-10-13   点击数:  

2023923日,乔治亚州立大学(Georgia State University GSU)生物系中国学生会(Biology Chinese Student Association, BCSA)举办了一场令人难忘的中秋节和迎新活动。这次充满活力和文化内涵的聚会让老师同学们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝这一古老的中国传统节日。西南交通大学-乔治亚州立大学生物工程中外合作办学项目美方负责人Phang-Chang Tai教授,Hongmei Zhang老师出席本次活动,交大中美班赴美的20202021级全体同学参与了本次活动。

Atlanta, GA, 09/23/2023, The Biology Chinese Student Association (BCSA) at Georgia State University (GSU) once again showcased its commitment to fostering cultural awareness and community building as it hosted an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival and Orientation event. This vibrant and culturally enriching gathering brought together students from Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), faculty in celebration of this ancient Chinese tradition. Drs Phang-Chang Tai and Hongmei Zhang, the GSU leaders of the SWJTU-GSU Bioengineering Sino-foreign Cooperative Program, attended this event, and all the students of Classes 2020 and 2021 of the Sino-foreign Cooperative Program of SWJTU in the U.S. took part in this event.


The event took place on September 23rd, at 12:30 p.m. at Student Center Ballroom on GSU campus and featured a diverse range of activities that truly captured the spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

活动在Phang-Chang Tai教授和Hongmei Zhang老师鼓舞人心的致辞中拉开帷幕。他们在讲话中强调了文化多样性的重要性,并鼓励学生在大学学习过程中接受不同的文化。

The event kicked off with inspiring speeches from Drs. Tai and Zhang. In their greetings, they welcome the new students and emphasized the importance of cultural diversity and encouraged students to embrace different cultures during their university studies.


The attending students then joined together for a mooncake tasting. An important element of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the sharing of mooncakes, a traditional Chinese pastry. Participants had the opportunity to taste a variety of delicious mooncakes and feel the spirit of unity and harmony.


Not only that, the event also honored the outstanding Class of 2020 with various awards to encourage the hard work they put in during the previous year.


BCSA also organized a variety of interactive games that brought laughter and friendship to the event. In addition, the participants also performed a wonderful dance show to make the atmosphere more lively.


Finally, all participating teachers and students took a group photo.

中秋节又称 "月圆节",是中国文化中象征团结和家庭团圆的珍贵节日。佐治亚州立大学生物系中国学生会很荣幸能与初来美国的同学们一起欢度佳节。

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a cherished holiday in Chinese culture that symbolizes unity and family reunions. The BCSA at GSU is proud to have shared this cultural experience with the university community, and strengthening ties among students.


The event was made possible through the hard work and dedication of the BCSA's executive committee, as well as the generous support of SWJTU.



BCSA 佐治亚州立大学分会

Author: Jiaxin Zhang

Student Handbook Minister

BCSA Georgia State University Chapter

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